Multi Daya Utama menyediakan Jasa Lighting & Interior Designer, juga menjual lampu LED dan armatur lampu. Hubungi kami : (021) 7279 8158
20 Jan 2012
Lighting Effect and shadow
LED untuk rumah kecil
LED: Lolos "Ujian" Baru Masuk Pasaran
Proses QC LED
Pengetahuan Lighting Dasar
19 Jan 2012
Pertimbangan dalam mendesign Lighting
Beda individu, beda maunya. Beda bangunan, beda ruang, beda pula penataannya. Kalau sudah serba berbeda begini, apa yang harus dilakukan seorang lighting designer?
Pencahayaan sebuah ruangan atau bangunan, tidak bisa disamaratakan. Tidak mungkin pencahayaan untuk ruang kantor, disamakan dengan ruang keluarga di rumah. Tujuan utama rancang desain pencahayaan, kan, untuk menciptakan suasana yang nyaman, artinya semua harus sesuai dengan apa yang dibutuhkan manusia yang “menikmati” bangunan atau ruangan tersebut.
Nah, kalau ditelusuri dan dirangkum, paling tidak ada tiga hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan oleh seorang lighting designer, saat ia akan mendesain pencahayaan, baik untuk rumah, gedung, ruangan, atau apapun.
1. Aktifitas yang dilakukan atau fungsi umum dari bangunan atau ruangan yang akan didesain. Hal ini berkaitan erat dengan karakter dan keinginan pemilik atau penggunanya.
2. Desain arsitektural maupun interior dari sebuah bangunan. Mengapa aspek ini perlu diperhatikan? Soalnya, sebuah lighting design haruslah “menyatu” dengan bangunan atau ruangannya. Bagaimana bisa menyatu kalau seorang lighting designer tidak mempertimbangkan aspek desain fisik bangunan.
Untuk poin kedua ini, ada baiknya seorang lighting designer bekerja sama dengan arsitek atau desainer interior bangunan yang bersangkutan. Pasalnya dua orang tadi adalah yang paling mengenal bangunan atau ruang yang mereka desain.
3. Alokasi daya listrik pada setiap ruangan, khususnya pada bangunan-bangunan rumah tinggal atau residensial. Kalau alokasi daya ini sudah diperhitungkan sejak awal, maka tidak akan ada keluhan penggunaan listrik yang berlebihan. Selain itu, alokasi daya ini juga mempermudah kita untuk menentukan jumlah titik lampu yang akan dipasang.
Tanpa pertimbangan atas tiga hal di atas, bisa dikatakan mustahil akan tercipta architectural lighting yang pas. Berarti menjadi seorang lighting designer pun harus jeli melihat karakter seseorang, terutama pemilik dan pengguna bangunan. Jadi, jangan heran kalau bertemu denganlighting designer yang ternyata hobi ngobrol. Bisa jadi ini karena kebiasaan mereka, saat akan menggali informasi sebanyak-banyaknya soal kepribadian dan karakter pemilik bangunan, yang akan mereka desain pencahayaannya.
18 Jan 2012
LED as Art
Anolis LED Retrofit Solution Colors NIDA Theater Complex
Hemat Energy ala Wal-Mart
Walmart Opens All-LED Neighborhood Market
Individuals can now instantly change their décor and personalize the ambiance of their home with Philips‟ new LivingColors lighting fixture. Using the latest in light emitting diode (LED) technology, LivingColors puts a rainbow of color options at each user‟s fingertips, offering an endless array to alter the atmosphere of a room and express personal style.
Simple to use, LivingColors easily plugs into any outlet and offers a touch-sensitive remote control color wheel to adjust the color intensity. Tap the desired color on the remote and LivingColors instantly produces it on a wall or ceiling, with dramatic effect. Sixteen million different color options are available – including dimmable white light – and for an added splash of color, consumers can use the automatic color-changing feature, creating an even more dynamic impression.
The Philips LivingColors product concept and design are based on years of consumer research by Philips designers that explore the concept of “atmosphere” through lighting. Using the latest in LED innovation, LivingColors not only enables consumers to “paint” with color, it also provides an energy efficient way to design with light.
LivingColors goes far beyond the traditional „dimmer switch‟ in order to help create a unique design statement or set the mood for any occasion. It can save up to three “favorite” light settings for future use – for example, set once and a bright functional space for children becomes a warm and cosy reading nook; set again to create a vibrant evening venue for entertaining friends – then change again just as easily via the remote control.
“Home is a reflection of one‟s personal style, and LivingColors offers a whole new creative dimension to décor by using light to alter the ambiance of a room,” said Allard Bijlsma, CEO, Philips Consumer Luminaires. “Whether relaxing or entertaining, LivingColors can instantly inspire a space by changing the color to suit the occasion or mood. This is just one more innovative way that Philips is enhancing life with light.”
Already a success in Europe, Philips LivingColors is available in the U.S. at various online retailers such as For more information, visit
Kenalan dengan lampu LED
Lampu LED |
- Dengan menggunakan lampu LED kita bisa menghemat tagihan listrik karena tahukah anda kalau lampu pijar hanya bisa mengubah sekitar 8 % dari konsumsi listrik yang digunakan menjadi cahaya. Bandingkan dengan lampu LED yang bisa mengubah dua kali lipatnya yaitu sekitar 15-25% .
- Led menghasilkan panas lebih sedikit. Dengan begitu selain hemat konsumsi listrik dari lampu juga hemat untuk konsumsi lsitrik pendingin.
- Panas yang dihasilkan lampu yang sering kita gunakan selain tidak nyaman untuk mata juga bisa merubah warna dekorasi rumah. Apabila menggunakan Lampu Led hal tersebut bisa dihindari karena kualitas dari pencahaan lampu dan manajemen panas LED lebih baik.
- Lampu LED bebas dari bahaya merkuri jadi sangat aman digunakan dimana saja. Hemmm menurutku di setiap lokasi umum harus beralih ke LED neh, he
- Lampu LED jauh lebih tahan lama, 60 kali dari lampu pijar dan 10 kali dari lampu nion.
- Lampu LED memiliki desain yang elegan,bahkan bisa memperindah interior di ruangan.
Dengan menggunakan lampu LED bisa menjaga kesehatan mata karena cahaya yang dihasilkan lebih sempurna plus lampu LED menghasilkan panas sangat sedikit, secara tidak langsung kita membantu melawan Global Warming. Membayar sedikit lebih mahal kurasa sangat sebanding dengan manfaatnya di masa depan dan suasana elegan serta nyaman dari lampu LED.
How to Find and Choose Great Lighting Fixtures
The real challenge in lighting your home is to find fixtures that are stylish without spending a fortune. Online lighting stores and specialty stores are a great place to find your lighting fixtures. We provide an approach and tips to help you get it right.
There is no shortage of lighting fixtures for the exterior and interior of your home. Sometimes we think there are too many choices. In fact, you'll get the impression that they all look alike. Don't despair. Finding the proper lighting fixtures is fun and signals the near completion of your project. How you do here will set your renovation apart from a house that is builder's grade to one that says wow.
Where and how we shopped
We shopped for lighting for our renovated Washington DC Rambler using both online and local sources. Generally you will find more value for your money with online lighting stores. Large stores like Expo Design, the Great Indoors, Home Depot and Lowes are also good places to start. They will certainly give you an idea what everyone has. They also have lighting catalogs you can look through.
Our preference is to buy from stores that don't have a restocking fee. Most of the above stores will allow you to return an item if they carry it in stock. However, if you special order an item and return it, you are going to pay between 15 and 20 percent restocking fee. Ask the sales person what the return policy is before you buy.
We installed a great deal of recessed lighting in our house. We purchased Halo Brand recessed lighting from both the Home Depot and Lowes. The latter carried recessed lights for our family room which has cathedral ceilings. Next we focused on vanity lights, kitchen lighting and outdoor lights. This was a real challenge simply because everything looked alike.
When you are in these big stores keep an eye out for fixture shapes and styles. Don't dismiss a lighting fixture just because it's the wrong color in the showroom. Most manufacturers carry 3 to 4 different color finishes. So write down the manufacturer, model number and price. We actually found outdoor lights for another house this way.
Online Lighting Stores
A friend suggested that we look into online lighting store, Lighting Universe, which we did. We bought the majority of our lights from Lighting Universe. There is no shipping and no restocking fee. Of course, if you do return an item you pay the shipping, but then you normally don't pay State tax. We are sure that there are other reputable lighting stores as well.
Last week we came across, an online lighting store and spoke with the representative, Michael Sadighpou. They offer brand name home lighting fixtures and lamps. This includes bathroom lights, pendant lighting, wall sconces, ceiling lights, foyer, kitchen island lighting, monorail and outdoor lighting products. also offers live customer service lighting professionals to assist you. Call 1-800-MY-LAMPS begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-MY-LAMPS end_of_the_skype_highlighting (7:30 am to 5:00 pm pacific time). When I asked Michael what distinguishes from others, he mentioned that the following:
"A" rated Better Business Bureau member
New items added every day
125% low price guarantee (competition is 110% to 120%)
Free Shipping
90 day return policy (competition is 30)
Monthly coupons + promotion
We'll be trying in the near future since we have another project coming up. If you use them, let us know what you think of them.
We also found some very nice lighting at Restoration Hardware. They have an excellent vanity lights. We chose a Spritz vanity light. It's a bit modern and really makes a statement. They also have mirrors and accessories in the same line. Pottery Barn also carries vanity lights, but nothing caught our eye. Our approach with lighting stores
What to tell Lighting Stores
Tell the store that you are buying for an entire house. Ask for a discount for their contractor prices for that reason or if you are buying a large quantity a single item. If they won't give you a discount, we suggest that you walk. Competition in the lighting industry is fierce and the odds are that many stores will give you a discount, if the one you are in won't. Also consider the advice that a store provides. There's value in that and it should be factored into the decision on who to buy from. Still most stores will give you a discount even if they provide design services. Ask for it.
If you want to seek out a lighting designer, you might want to find out the names of people who teach lighting courses at colleges or universities. These are usually well seasoned people who do free lance as well.
Calculate how much lighting your rooms need by multiplying the length and width of each room (in feet) and then multiply that by 1.5 to get the wattage. So for a 12 foot by 13 foot room, you get 156 square feet. Now multiply the 156 by 1.5 and you get 234 watts. Make a list of you room sizes and have the wattages handy. When you select lighting you will have to focus on what wattage the fixture puts out in combination with other lighting in the same room.
When your get your lighting home
No matter what anyone tells you, you can't make a final decision on lighting until you are at the end of your project. Ideally, Your rooms have paint and/or tile on the walls. In the case of bathrooms, your vanity cabinets and sink fixtures should be installed too. If they are not, at least gather tiles, vanity color samples and large paint swatches to get an idea of how things will look together.
In an ideal setting, you need to install or hold fixtures up and see what you think. The color of the light in both day time and night time may also determine your decision. Paint color will also affect how the lighting fixture looks. See our article on how to choose paint color if you need help with paints.
Bathroom vanity lights should always match the finish of your plumbing fixtures. So if you have brushed nickel, you get brushed nickel. Never mix polished chrome or with brushed nickel in the same bathroom. And please no gold plated fixtures with chrome or brushed nickel.
It's also important to see how outdoor lighting looks both during the day and night. For example, when we put lights outside on our desk we needed adequate lighting but did not want the glare to bother their eyes. The brick color also was a factor as well as the style of the house. For example, don't choose a Mission style light if you have a federal style colonial. We'll have an article that consolidates all our of lighting tips soon. One tip that we will provide now is that with respect to wall mounted outdoor lighting, bigger is generally better.
17 Jan 2012
Basic Lighting Knowledge
1. Lumen(Lm)
Lumen is the international(SL)unit of luminous flux, a measure of overall light emitted by a light
2. Candela(cd)
Candela is the international(sl) unit of luminuous intensity,a measure of light emitted by a light
souce in a particular direction. Any given light source will have different luminous intensities in different direction considered.
3. Beam Angle [Unit:degree]
Beam angle is the angle betweent two directions for which the luminous intensity is 50% of the
maximum intensity as measured in a plan through the nominal beam centerline.Beam angle of a
lamp give an idea of how the light beam spread away form the beam center.
4. LUX(lx)
Lux is the international(SL)unit of illuminance, a measure of light arriving at a surface, 1 lumen per
square foot equals 1 footcandle, while 1 lumen per square meter equals 1 lux .
[lux = lumen/m2]
5. Color Temperature / Correlated Color
A black-Body radiator will have different color whent it is heated up to different temperature(in
kevin).The Temperature at which the heated black-body radiator matches the color of the light
source is the color temperature of the light source.
6. Color Rendering Index(CR)
Color rendering index ranges from 0-100 ,measures a light source's ability to reproduce the color of
varies objects being lit by reference light source, black body radiator(CRI=100)
7. Efficacy(lm/W)
Eifficacy is the effcience of a light source to concert electricity power to light which is expressed in
lumen output per unit power input (watt)
[Efficacy = lumen / wattage]
8. Design Life Time
Design life time is the average life of lighting product when it is operated at nominal lamp
voltage,current and controlled working environment.Actual lamp life will varies because of any
different from those rating condition.
9. Dimmability
Not all lighting prodcuts is designed for dimming function.Dimming a non-dimmable LED lighting
product will cause un-predictable result and may affect the life thime of the products.The below
figure ahows the typical input current variation while adjusting the DC voltage input to dimmable
andnon-dimmable product.
1. Office Lighting
Lighting is a key factor in the office environment, where it contributes to each employee's ability to work effectively and more efficiently by promoting emotional well-being, safety and alertness. A well-planned lighting strategy will help your people work to the best of their abilities, providing the right level of comfort and ambiance so that they are less fatigued nd more focused on the tasks at hand.
LED lighting solutions are flexible enough to accomplish these goals in a range of office types, from open or closed rooms and meeting halls to lobbies and utilities. In addition to helping your bottom line, our solutions also ensure your office is environmentally safe and a healthier place to work in.
o The lack of IR and UV rays means the light LEDs generate is healthier and less harsh, putting employees at ease letting them work better and healthier;
o The pure white light better brings out the details of the office decor, subtly improving aesthetics that your clients will notice;
o The low operating temperature and long life helps reduce air conditioning and maintenance costs, helping businesses save money.
o Made with non-toxic materials, LED lighting brings your office into the green era of sustainable business, heightening your brand image.
Suitable for reception and lobby areas, conference rooms, the general workplace
and corridors.
3. Store & Cafe Lighting
Every shop must create and maintain a distinct identity that allows it to stand out, to be unique in some way. Lighting is one element used in creating that identity, allowing shop owners to show off merchandise in dramatic or straightforward ways, whatever you need to attract customers, persuade them to take a closer look, and provide visual comfort while they browse.
With the right lighting strategy, you can guide and direct visitors' attention to hot new items, let them appreciate the quality, and serve as an example of the best way to arrange or display the items in their own home. To this end, LED lighting is the most effective means of catching shoppers' attention and persuading them to buy, while also elevating your brand image.
o Provides a wide range of color options and lighting styles that produce no heat, IR or UV light, which is important for preventing damage to fresh goods and fruit, or to historic art work that requires carefully controlled environments.
o High color rendering index - good color reproduction
o Highly efficient and long-lasting, helps cut down significantly on maintenance
and electricity costs, improving the shop's bottom line.
o As a mercury-free solution, shop owners will also be helping the environment
by choosing LEDs.
o Highly efficient and long-lasting, helps cut down significantly on maintenance
and electricity costs, improving the shop's bottom line.
Perfect for window, general merchandise, and new product displays, as well as
product showrooms.
5. Industrial Lighting
A comfortable work environment is critical to optimizing worker productivity, improving both the quality and quantity of output. Lighting plays an important role in creating such an environment, as good light makes the workplace safer and less tiring, meaning fewer accidents, lower fault and reject levels and better overall productivity. A well-lit workplace also means happier employees who appreciate the space in which they work.
What defines high quality lighting? It means having enough light to see one's work area clearly; it means no glare; it means the best uniformity of color, and illuminating with the right color; and nowadays it also means lighting that is efficient, long-lasting and good for the environment, which is what makes LED lighting an ideal choice:
o High quality, no IR and UV rays, low heat and glare-free light creates greater comfort and allows workers to see what they're doing more clearly and with less eye strain. It's also healthier for humans; Without toxic substances such as mercury, there is no risk to people or the environment;
o Long life spans and lower energy requirements help industrial facilities cut down on electricity costs, further improving the bottom line.
Warehouses, general factories, electronics assembly plants and most general industry buildings can benefit greatly by upgrading to LEDs.
7. Interior Design Lighting
An elegant interior is a waste of space if not properly illuminated, which is why choosing the right source of light is critical to creating the right atmosphere for your space, whether it's an office, art exhibition, spa or social club. With growing concerns about the environment and how we use our energy, it is also becoming an important part of any company's image to use the most efficient and environmentally friendly lighting, which is LED lighting.
And not only are our lighting
solutions green and efficient, they're the most beautiful as well. LED lighting solutions enhance high-end interior locations by establishing a precise mood and atmosphere using a subtle combination of lighting types and colors to let
interior spaces realize their full potential.
o Heat-free operation and long life spans minimize energy and maintenance costs, while crisp, cool or soft, warm light create a sophisticated, elegant, highly customized look;
o LED lighting contains no mercury, making them environmentally friendly and safer to use;
o Pure white light without IR or UV rays creates a more comfortable environment, and is healthier too.
High-end bars, boutique stores, five-star restaurants and top-level executive office
spaces can benefit greatly from LED lighting.
9. Residential lighting
Lighting in residential areas serves many purposes, from cultivating an inviting and friendly atmosphere to creating a safe, secure environment where residents can feel comfortable to move around freely. Nowadays creating a sustainable, eco-friendly living environment is also of great importance, making the lighting choice all the more significant.
o With LED lighting, residential areas can add reliable lighting that casts an excellent color on the surroundings; whether in crisp cool tones or soft, warm ones, is your choice. Furthermore the lack of IR and UV rays increases comfort, enhances clarity and is healthier for residents;
o Because LEDs contain no toxic substances such as mercury, they're a sustainable solution and a great way for residential complexes to go green.
o The high energy efficiency and long life span also help reduce costs, adding to their sustainability while helping home and property owners save money on operating costs.
Apartment complexes, condominiums, private homes and any other kind of residential area will look better and be a safer place to live with LED lighting.
11. Hospitality Lighting
For hotels and other establishments that take customer service very seriously, lighting plays an important role in creating a visually comforting and appealing environment. External decorative lighting is crucial to drawing attention, while indoor
lighting must be finely tuned to create a safe, pleasant, and luxurious atmosphere.
o LED lighting solutions are well-suited for all these roles because they offer superb color accuracy and customization and do not emit IR or UV light, which eliminates harshness, increases guest comfort, and is healthier as well;
o Extraordinary energy efficiency, long life spans and heat-free operation severely cut down on hotel maintenance and energy costs;
o Brings hotels into a new era of sustainability, creating greener and human friendly environments by eliminating the presence of mercury from all lighting applications.
Hotel lobbies and guest rooms, bars, restaurants and corridors are all perfect areas
for LED lighting solutions.
13. Advertising Solutions
LED lighting is the best, most efficient and environmentally friendly way to backlight light box signage, whether to accurately display corporate logos or general advertising.
o As the most energy efficient option, signage users will pay lower energy costs than on light boxes employing fluorescent tube backlighting, and the longer life spans means less downtime and maintenance, increasing ROI.
o LED lighting is also environmentally safe, containing no mercury or other toxic
substances that can be found in fluorescent lighting.
o And because no IR or UV light is produced, your advertising content will
actually look more naturally lit, achieving better light distribution that appears
more pleasing to the eye.
o Suitable for logo and advertising light boxes.
- Other Lighting Applications
LED lighting can breathe new life a range of public areas and corridors - Government facilities can quickly be modernized, presenting a fresh and more welcoming face to the public, while school classrooms become more comfortable learning environments, letting students focus better, see more clearly, and study harder.
Hospitals can even take on a calmer atmosphere, letting patients and doctors feel more at ease.
- High efficiency and long life spans cut down on energy usage and maintenance costs, making public facilities less expensive to operate, which tax payers will appreciate;
- No IR and UV light produced, so public officials and other workers will stay healthier, feel more comfortable, and are more productive;
- Mercury-free LED lighting makes government buildings more environmentally friendly and modernizes a city or town's image.
From hospitals to schools, exhibition halls to city halls and libraries, LED lighting is the
best way to bring any public facility into the 21st century.